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Silbergrau blue PE Small Developer 1.20

Silbergrau blue PE Small Developer 1.20

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Silbergrau blue PE Small Developer Publisher's Description

Silbergrau blue Professional Edition (PE) enable you to develop (Java-) Web applications easily, fast and cost effective and - if you like to - seamlessly use license free Open Source software. Silbergrau blue PE is a comprehensive, easy to use solution for development - please refer to the Silbergrau blue Professional Edition or to the product home page for details and/or check out our Feature Matrix.

The "Small Developer Version" is a full blown Silbergrau blue PE with a pricing specifically for small software development companies and individuals. You may use Silbergrau blue Professional Edition Small Developer if your company consists of no more than five people and has employed or contracted no more than five people at any one time in the twelve months prior to the order date.

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